Handmade Irish Artisan Chocolate and Card Combo



Chocolate can boost your mood, make you live longer, and win you friends wherever you go. That’s why we created this perfect gift for a special person.

Remind someone how amazing they are, send a simple thank you – there are a myriad of reasons to give this thoughtful gift.


This Card Choc Combo includes:

A selection of delicious Handmade Irish Artisan Chocolates to choose from 🍫


A personalized message to someone special 💌

In a lovely envelope sent direct to your pal 😍

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Handmade Irish Artisan Chocolate: Size 80g, Salted Caramel (33% Cocoa), Dark Cranberry Swirl (70% Cocoa), Mint Crunch (33% Cocoa), Hazelnut Duet Milk Chocolate (33% Cocoa), Orange & Almond (54% Cocoa).

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Cranberry Swirl, Hazelnut Duet, Orange & Almond, Salted Caramel


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